How TOPdesk found Atypical talent

Atypical talent as a solution in the current job market? In today's tight job market, it can be difficult to find candidates for a position, let alone good candidates.

A possible solution to this problem is atypical talent. Candidates who would never get a position under the old circumstances, but once they do the job exceed all expectations.

But how do you find atypical talent? TOPdesk used the BrainsFirst method to open the gate with talent in a controlled manner. Read on to find out how they did it and what they achieved with it.

The challenge TOPdesk faced

It is a known problem these days. You have a position you want to fulfill. The vacancy text has been viewed several times by the entire team. This should get people excited! To be on the safe side, campaigns have been set up on various job sites. In fact, it can’t go wrong.

And then the applications come in. To your horror there are only 5. To make matters worse, 3 do not meet the preconditions of the function at all and there is one that is just spam.

Luckily you still have one left right? Until he also cancels halfway through the process for a better job.

TOPdesk recognized this problem and found a solution. Open the talent gate and still keep control over who they hire and why with BrainsFirst’s game-based assessments.

Opening the talent flood gates – while keeping grip on quality

What exactly does that mean: setting up the gate? It means dropping hard entry requirements for a position. Think of a specific education or experience.

  • Doing this made the selection process more efficient and less labor intensive.
  • Now you may think, “But those requirements were there for a reason: you want good candidates, don’t you?”. That is true, but entry requirements are not always the best method of selection.
  • The old entry requirements are full of unconscious bias, as a result of which you do not even find the best candidates and unnecessarily reject potential talent.


Really selecting on actual talent

In order to open the gate in a controlled and successful manner, TOPdesk used the game-based assessments from BrainsFirst to measure talent and find the right match for the position. That went like this:

  • A search profile was created, which made it clear in which skills talents must excel in order to be successful in the position.
  • Every candidate who applied took the game-based assessment, the NeurOlympics. This resulted in a specific brain profile for each candidate.
  • A match score, the match between brain and job, was calculated for each candidate. The match score was then used in the (pre) selection.


The Many Benefits of Atypical Talent

What has all this brought to TOPdesk?

  • Een higher influx of kandidaten.
  • Simpler proces – all promising candidates with a high match score went directly to an application round, the rest were immediately rejected..
  • More promising candidates – by looking at talent, more candidates were found who could do the job excellently.
  • hired more a-typical talent.

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